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10 Ways Dachshunds Show That Cuteness Is the Best Defense [INFOGRAPHIC]

by jermaine lachica 20 Jul 2015

Tweet: 10 Ways That Dachshunds Use Cuteness To Control you [Source Hot Dog Collars]10 Ways That Dachshunds Use Cuteness To Control You

Oh those tricky Doxies!  Always using their adorable cuteness to get us to do their bidding.  We've collected 10 ways that Dachshunds use cuteness as a weapon (source below).   Do you know of others? Tell us in the comments OR tweet @hotdogcollars.  How many does your Doxie do?

Don't forget to check out our website. We've got all kinds of gear and gifts just for you and your doxie...or for the doxie lover in your life!

How cute are dachshunds? So cute! Wait, we mean Sooooooooooo cute!

They're short on height but big in adorable-ness...ok, that's a word now. Either way, we love our doxies and we know you do too!  What are some other ways that you know how dachshunds show their cuteness?  Let us know in the comments below or tweet at us: @HotDogCollars.  

Here is the test in text format for easy copy & paste (just be sure to credit us and the sources above):


  1. The Blank Look: They will use this when they are caught in the middle of the act.

  2. The Cute Black Nose: This is used when they are under the cover and want to see you jump by placing it on tender body parts.

  3. The Doxie Mouth: A soft whimper will arise out of it that turns your anger to Jello..

  4. Soft Warm Belly: This is their most effective defense when they know they are in trouble. You must be strong and look away.

  5. Potato Chip scented paws: These are used for all occasions by these evil dogs to keep from getting in trouble. They also twitch when they sleep.

  6. Skinny Little Tail: They have the ability to wiggle only the very tip for the awwwwwww factor.

  7. Soft floppy ears: They purposely flip one or both to look more adorable.

  8. Cow eyes: These are used after they chew something yours.

  9. The “I'm so sleepy and cute” pose: One of their favorites, sure they caused some trouble but look how cute they are when sleeping!

  10. The "Ultimate Cuteness Overload” Look: seriously how could you be mad at this face?


Don't forget to check out our website. We've got all kinds of gear and gifts just for you and your doxie...or for the doxie lover in your life!

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