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Dog ID Tag FAQs: Everything You Need to Know

by jermaine lachica 28 Feb 2016

February is Responsible Pet Owners Month, and we believe that responsible pet ownership starts with making sure your dog has the proper identification. That’s why this month we’re covering everything you always wanted to know (but were afraid to ask) about dog ID tags!

Do Dog ID Tags Actually Work?

The purpose of an ID tag is to help get your dog back should he or she go missing. And they do a good job at that. The ASPCA found that 15% of dogs who were lost were returned to their owner due to an ID tag or microchip. (A much larger percentage – 49% - were found after searching the neighborhood.) Even if you think it’s unlikely your dog would ever go missing, you definitely increase your changes of having him or her returned to you by providing an up-to-date dog ID tag.

What Information Should I Put on My Dog’s ID Tag?

The only information that needs to be on the tag is a way to contact you should your dog be lost, so most people include a phone number. (Two numbers are even better!) Check out our blog on what to write on your pet’s ID tag for more ideas of what to include.

Does My Dog Have to Wear an ID Tag? Is It Illegal Not to?

Maybe or maybe not – it depends where you live. In the US, there are no laws at the federal level or state level requiring dogs to wear identification when outside the home, but many municipalities do have such ordinances. (They may also require tags for rabies vaccination information and dog license.) You can always check with your local government, or you can go ahead and make sure your dog is wearing an up-to-date ID tag at all times regardless.

Does My Dog Need an ID Tag If He/She Is Also Microchipped?

It’s a good idea, yes. You can even put the word “microchipped” somewhere on the tag so whoever finds your dog knows to bring them to a shelter or a vet who can scan them. Plus, remember that a microchip is only good if the information connected to the registration is current, but unfortunately many pet owners let their registration get out-of-date. That’s when a good old-fashioned phone number on the tag can come in handy.

Do You Know Where I Can Get Some Awesome Dog ID Tags?

Glad you asked!

Hot Dog Collars has hundreds of amazing tags for your dog to suit every personality, fashion sense, time of year, holiday, favorite sports team, and more!

Want some bling for your pooch? This glamorous crystal heart engraved dog ID tag comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Don’t want a clingy-clangy dangling metal tag? Try a slide-on dog collar tag for a quieter option.

Fancy something more patriotic? Check out this waving US flag dog ID tag which accommodates up to 4 lines of text for extra information

These are just some of our favorites – browse our whole selection of dog ID tags here.

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