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How To Get Rid of Wet Dog Smell?

by jermaine lachica 14 Nov 2016

We are all familiar with that wet dog smell. It's not the most pleasant scent in the world, but there are times when it is just plain stinky. If your dog still smells bad after a bath, these tips may help you live a more harmonious life with your pooch.

Proper Bathing

how i got rid of that wet dog smell There are right and wrong ways to bathe your dog. Just spraying him with a hose isn't going to get the job done. The use of proper dog shampoo and following directions will aid you in doing it right the first time. Suds up and be sure you don't miss the spaces between their toes, inside skin folds and down to the base of any long hair. Dirt, bacteria and parasites can accumulate in no time. They will become a problem if not rinsed away completely. Dry with a soft towel or even a blow dryer set on low or cool. This can assist in getting the dog completely dry, fluffy and smelling sweeter.

You Are What You Eat

Proper diet for your canine friend aids in keeping all systems healthy. Consistent, high-quality food helps prevent stomach, kidney, skin and other complaints from developing. This is in addition to minimizing bad odors. food makes your dog smellSpecialized dog treats are also available to aid in bad breath issues.

The Great Outdoors

If your dog runs around a lot outside, at some point they are bound to come face to face with wild creatures. The skunk, in particular, seems to have it in for our canine companions. If they do meet and your dog is on the losing end, multiple baths are in the immediate future. There are many products on the market for this exact purpose. Several home remedies have also proven quite effective in skunk stink removal. Along this same line, another favorite sport of many dogs is to find something dead or a manure pile to roll in. For some reason frolicking in filth is a lot of fun for our pups.

If the cause of your dog's malodorous scent is still a mystery, it might be time to visit your veterinarian. It's possible that an underlying health concern needs investigation.

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