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5 Fun Facts About Pit Bulls

by jermaine lachica 28 Dec 2014

5 awesomely adorable facts you may not have known about Pit Bulls.

  1. Did you know...Pit Bulls were originally bred in England in the 1860s to be used as herding dogs
  2. 5% of all dogs registered in the US are Pit Bulls, but 20% of dogs in shelters are pit bulls :(
  3. According to the American Temperament Test Society Inc, Pit Bulls pass their test 87% of the time. That ranks them as 4th best of 122 breeds tested!
  4. Tweet: You are 240 times more likely to die in a texting while driving accident than from a Pit Bull attack [SOURCE=Hot Dog Collars]You are 240 times more likely to die in a texting-while-driving accident than from a Pit Bull attack. You are 18 times more likely to die falling out of bed than from a Pit Bull Attack. You are 16 times more lilely to die from being hit by a falling coconut than from a Pit Bull attack. Get the picture yet?
  5. In the early 20th century Pit Bulls were known as "nanny dogs" or "nursemaids" because they were so trusted around children.

      Be sure to check out our Pit Bull section here for some awesome gear made just for your pittie!

      Have a Pit Bull? Tell us what makes yours so smart, interesting, fun, or lovable! Use the comments below or tweet at us: @HotDogCollars

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